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January 10, 2013

Huawei Ascend W1 vs Nokia Lumia 800 - Sizes Comparison

(GSM Insider) - Huawei Ascend W1 vs Nokia Lumia 800 - Sizes Comparison.

Huawei Ascend W1 is the latest Windows Phone 8 device while the Nokia Lumia 800 is once the leader of Windows Phone as well. Nokia Lumia 800 is runs on Windows Phone 7.8 after update.

The display of Huawei Ascend W1 is 4-inch while the Nokia Lumia 800 only 3.7-inch. This is why the Nokia Lumia 800 is smaller than the Huawei Ascend W1.

The home screens on both Huawei Ascend W1 and Nokia Lumia 800 also revealed the different Windows Phone as well. Nokia Lumia 800 on WP7 while Huawei Ascend W1 on WP8. 

If you are getting Windows Phone, Huawei Ascend W1 is definitely the better choice than the Nokia Lumia 800. 

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