(GSM Insider) - Mysterious Samsung GT-I9500X Spotted At Samsung Website, Is This The Galaxy S4?
There is a mysterious device that spotted at Samsung website - Samsung GT-I9500X. This device is different from the Samsung GT-I9500 and I9505 that leaked before.
With this Samsung GT-I9500X surfaced, it adds another question mark for the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S4. The answer is which one is the Samsung Galaxy S4? Samsung GT-I9500X? Samsung GT-I9500? or Samsung GT-I9505?
There were three possible devices that surfaced to-date. If the Samsung GT-I9500 and Samsung GT-I9505 are two of the Tizen OS powered devices than the Samsung GT-I9500X should be the one that powered by Android. This Samsung GT-I9500X could be the one that powered by Tizen OS since it has an extra "X" at the back.
There is no guarantee whether there will be Samsung Galaxy S4 or not. But one thing for sure is there will be another flagship from Samsung after the meteoric Samsung Galaxy S3.
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