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August 6, 2012

Gionee GN700W Now Selling In China, Price At 1599 Yuan

The old domestic mobile phone manufacturers, Gionee 金立 together with China Unicom to launch its first dual-core smartphone - Gionee GN700W officially entered thousand yuan dual-core smartphone market. By virtue of the excellent value for money, Gionee GN700W by the concern of many domestic users, and now the latest news from the Gionee GN700W now distribution in major domestic cell phone stores have sales.

The consumer now can purchase Gionee GN700W in major mobile phone store to buy now in the country. It is worth mentioning that, the Jin elegance GN700W Unicom contract price is only 1599 yuan, consumer choice Unicom contract version of the stored charges to zero per purchase 1599 yuan, 1599 yuan bill will be refunded.

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Source: GSM Insider (