(GSM Insider) - If you are a car fan, you should know what is Pimp my Ride. But if you are a techno geek. You might dont know what it means. OK. Let me tell you. Pimp my Ride is about car modifying TV programme. Ever dream of modified your Android device like a car?
The answer is here. Pimp Mt ROM allows you to customize or modified your ROM on your Android device. It runs on any ROMs on all Android devices. Really cool! Just like how Pimp my ride pimped the car. Here are the few things you can do with PIMP My ROM:
Faster internet browsing
Better Battery consumption
Miscellanous kernel tweaks
Ondemand governor tweaks
Use Adblock hosts to block in-app advertising
Improve External sdcard I/O performances
Zipalign all apk at each boot
Better jpg image quality
Better camera recording quality
Enable hardware video acceleration
Enable gpu UI rendering
Enable HSUPA
Enable JIT (Just In Time) Compiler for Dalvik vm
Sorry to tell you that it able to do more things on your Android devices other than those features at above. It just an .apk file which you need to download it and install it in your Android smartphone and tablet. After install it, you can Pimp your Android ROM! Remember! All done with own risk. Please click on the source link for more information on PIMP my ROM .apk file. [XDA Forum]
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