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October 29, 2012

Photo Sample of Samsung Nexus 3 Leaks At Picasa Web Album

(GSM Insider) - With everything looks certain for LG E960 Nexus 4 and Google Nexus 10 tablet, another Nexus leaks this time - Nexus 3 by Samsung. Is it more than one Nexus coming to us soon? Maybe.

John Mueller is the one who posted this photo sample of Nexus 3 which is built by Samsung. John Mueller is the employee of Google Switzerland, it is hardly that someone from Google makes fake EXIF data for the image.

You might ask, "Why LG E960 is the Nexus 4 and this is Nexus 3 from Samsung?". This answer is easy. The LG E960 is the fourth generation of Nexus smartphone. The Nexus 3 is because it is the third Nexus smartphone from Samsung itself. Samsung Nexus S and Samsung Gaalxy Nexus are among two of the previous Samsung brand Nexus smartphones. Perhaps the names are a bit confusing after all. 

With Nexus 3 surfaced, is this means that more Nexus smartphones coming to us? This Nexus 3 could be the Samsung Galaxy Nexus 2. 

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via: RBmen Japan