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October 1, 2012

Cydia Is Not Free As It Paid More Than 8 Million For Developers In 2011

(GSM Insider) - There are many people used to think that root or jailbreak your devices are the way to bring pirated apps to your devices so that you are able to use those paid apps for free. You are wrong if you have such perception.

Cydia on Apple iOS

Cydia is the alternative for Apple App Store if you had jailbroken your Apple devices. Those with jailbroken Apple devices able to use some apps for free at the Cydia. The purpose of Cydia  is to allow developers upload their apps without the rules and regulations that imposed by Apple. This is the way why apps at Cydia mostly are free.

Another interesting part is Cydia does paid developers that uploaded their apps to the alternative app store. At the JailbreakCon 2012, Jay “saurik” Freeman, it seems that Cydia developers were paid a pretty impressive sum of $8 million in 2011. This is certainly an impressive amount for developers that uploaded their apps at Cydia. 

Remember. You are not using the pirated apps but using the alternative apps for Apple apps store.  []

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