(GSM Insider) - HTC Accord gives us most rumours among HTC Zenith, HTC Rio and HTC Accord. There are less info on the HTC Zenith and HTC Rio. Recently, we reported that the HTC Windows Phone 8 devices to come with Beats Audio supports. Yesterday, the possible image of HTC Accord leaked to us. And now, the possible name of HTC Accord surfaced - HTC 8X.
According to the leaked manual guide, it stated that "Your Windows Phone 8X by HTC. Quick Guide". The word 8X is interesting. It gives us hint that the HTC 8X could be the official name of HTC Accord. In other words, the HTC Accord is just a codename. Dont confused with it.
Furthermore, the manual guide also tells us that the USB port or charging port to be place in the bottom middle of the HTC 8X. Whether the HTC 8X is the official name of HTC Accord, we shall receive more news soon on the next smartphone from HTC. Stay tuned! [Source]
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